Comm Department Headshots
Highlights from the headshot session I did for Comm students and faculty at Simmons! These were so fun to…
Holi Celebration 2023
Another year, another beautiful Holi celebration with my friends at @southasianatsimmons…
Nursing Simulation Lab
I was invited to photograph a nursing simulation lab at @simmonsuniversity! Since I'm a comm/media…
Commencement Ball 2022
On May 18th, Simmons seniors of the Class of 2022 attended Commencement Ball at The Hyatt…
May Day at Simmons
On May 1st, students celebrated May Day on the Residence Quad with a host of activities, including flower crown making, a cappella…
MISO Multicultural Fashion Show
MISO’s first annual fashion show showcased students in traditional and cultural clothing from around the world, with…
Holi Celebration
Simmons students came together on campus last Friday to celebrate Holi, a vibrant celebration of the arrival of spring and…
Simmons 2021 Commencement Week
I loved being able to document senior week for the class of 2021 at Simmons University last month!