What It’s Like to Photograph a Senior You’ve Known Since She Was 10 Years Old


Upon meeting up with Wilson and her mom for her senior shoot last month, we realized I’ve been photographing Wilson (mostly at Millis Terpsichore’s dance performances) since she was about 10 years old. From the very beginning when I formally decided to pursue photography, she’s been there! 


Thanks to Terpsichore, I was given the space to be creative and photograph so many talented dancers, many of whom were close friends of mine in high school. This made every rehearsal and every show night feel like a collaborative effort, but also an opportunity for me to witness the work behind the scenes. The meticulous rehearsals, the unfolding choreography, costumes, music, the list goes on — it made me appreciate their artistry so much more. 


Now fast-forward to 2023, and Wilson is finally a senior! As she embarks on her next chapter, I have no doubt that she’ll continue to shine brightly wherever she goes 💛


Musician Senior Portraits


A Tropical-Looking Senior Shoot in Boston