Twenty One Pilots: Clancy Tour at TD Garden (Night 1)
@twentyonepilots night 1 at @tdgarden ❤️🔥
For those of you who may not know, this band is the reason why I was first drawn to concert photography and all the fervor that comes with it. Before I even knew how to get my foot in the door, I’d bring my family’s ten-year-old point-and-shoot camera to shows, hoping I’d amass a portfolio strong enough to shoot with proper gear and credentials someday.
I’ll never forget my first Twenty One Pilots show, which was also the first concert I decided to photograph with that same p&s. I very much considered myself a photographer and artist at this point, but I was only beginning to develop my style — let alone put my work out there for everyone to see. It was 2016, I was a freshman in high school, and everything felt like life or death. This music spoke to me during a time when I felt everything was against me. You can imagine how formative it was to hear these songs with 5,000+ other people, even meet Tyler and Josh by their tour bus after the show, and go on to see them perform another 7 times over the course of 8 years.
Every one of their live shows is memorable, but this time around felt like a true celebration of life. I might not listen to their songs as often (or as vitally) as I used to, but there’s something heartening about re-experiencing the art that once kept you alive. The fear is no longer all-consuming, and the bigger picture is clear. You can finally dance and belt out the lyrics like no one is watching… ♡
Photos 01-21: Sony RX100 VII
(major upgrade from the camera I was using back in the day lol)
Photos 22-23: Canon Sure Shot Telemax + CineStill 800