Liminality is a sense of disorientation that occurs in the stages of a transition.
As we’ve all navigated our way through much unreliability this year, I‘ve found myself waxing and waning from feeling lost and found. I’ve felt lost inside this in-between stage where the passing of time is immeasurable, but I’ve also found comfort in being alone. It’s become a battle of sorts to accept the in-betweenness. Looking inward has become a public performance of the way I exist when no one is there but me, which is something I channeled in my self portraiture. Whether I stand before a deserted house, at an abandoned hospital, in the middle of a snowy road, or within the recklessness of a basement dripping in neon lights, these places all have one thing in common with my feelings this year, and that is uncertainty.
But most of all, I propose the following questions with my work...
Are there limits to where we’re allowed to exist and feel present?
How can we feel present inside the in-between?
Can these in-between spaces exist on their own, and how can we bring their and our loneliness to life?